Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Weapons of faith
22 July 2009


God has provided all the conditions needed for His people to conquer the Promised Land. He has given us His Word, His Spirit and His Name. What more do we need? With these tools absolutely nothing is impossible.

It’s obvious that His Word, His Spirit and His Name cannot function without the active participation of those who truly believe in Him. After all, we are God’s fellow workers(1 Corinthians 3.9).

What’s more, God will not act in your life without your cooperation! It’s no use praying when you have to take action! Moses didn’t pray standing before the Red Sea! Instead, He cried out! And the Lord answered, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.” (Exodus 14.15).

Perhaps you’ve been praying, fasting and waiting for God to do something. If this is the case, my dear, forget about a solution! God will never do your part, just like you will never be able to do His!

We are His partners, and each partner has to do his own part so that miracles can happen

By Bishop Macedo

1 comment:

  1. what a powerful massage.bishop iagree with you we need to take astand and act and then god will help us.
